The Arkais Campaign

The Arkais system lies south-east of Belis Corona near the Eye of Terror. It is an unremarkable area, with a single planet and a large asteroid belt that encompasses the system. Home to a mining colony that harvests the planet’s wealth of natural gases, it is of little strategic value as the tiny world could not support a large military or naval presence for long. It is this fact that has kept the system free from the predations of xenos or more sinister forces.

The Arkais system lies south-east of Belis Corona near the Eye of Terror. It is an unremarkable area, with a single planet and a large asteroid belt that encompasses the system. Home to a mining colony that harvests the planet’s wealth of natural gases, it is of little strategic value as the tiny world could not support a large military or naval presence for long. It is this fact that has kept the system free from the predations of xenos or more sinister forces.

That is until now.

Unbeknownst to the colony’s inhabitants, their single major city was actually built upon the ruins of a long forgotten xenos race. These ancient beings once harnessed a terrible power, able to shatter whole planets, possibly explaining the great asteroid belt circling the system. Whatever befell this race will never be known, but the relics left behind could give this tremendous power to whoever were to study and decrypt their language.

Lord Cronos of the 3rd grand company, 9th battalion Iron Warriors legion, has learned of these valuable artefacts, and has dispatched his trusted Captain, Altis, to retrieve them to present to their Primarch.

Altis, along with a psychic by the name of Tantalus, have made landfall and began recruiting cults from the colony’s malcontents . Careful not to draw too much attention from the local PDF forces lest they call for aid, the time is now ripe to knock out the planetary defence batteries and signal the company’s ships hidden in the asteroid belt on the far side of the sun.